6 Small Steps to Prevent Workplace Disasters
Posted in Safety Tips
When you hear the phrase, "disaster in the workplace," you think of big explosions, massive fires and horrible accidents. These associations make sense as the effects of disasters, after all, are huge. However, the steps you can take to prevent these large-scale calamities are small, simple and unfortunately often forgotten or ignored.
Below are six preventive measures you can take today to prevent disasters in your workplace:
1) Prepare to be Prepared
Disaster prevention is first and foremost about preparation. Pre-plan every job before employees begin any work. Schedule a meeting or huddle with all participating employees to fully understand and outline the details of the job and ensure each employee understands what they are required to do. This includes the steps to successfully perform the job, the hazards that may be present and the correct equipment that should be worn. It is important to provide as much detail as possible and when necessary offer information in additional languages to ensure employees understand. The best approach involves outlining the scope of work, key issues, potential problems, equipment access, personnel access and any other relevant information.
2) Be Informed
After preparation, the next disaster prevention measure is knowledge. Make sure the physical and chemical characteristics of hazardous substances are visibly listed and can be clearly seen and read by all employees. These lists should include items such as boiling and freezing points, density, vapor pressure, specific gravity, solubility, volatility and the product's general appearance and odor. Follow up with employees to make sure they understand the warnings and answer any questions they may have.
3) Get Supplies Ready
It's not pleasant or fun to think about a potential spill, but if it does happen, you'll be glad you prepared the necessary supplies to clean it up. These supplies include containers, temporary diking and cleanup materials. Make sure you have the highest quality equipment and store all necessary equipment in the proper areas that are easily accessible in the event of a spill.
4) Personal Protective Equipment
Review the PPE and tools that are necessary for the project. Make sure your supplies of these materials including clothing, helmets, masks, goggles, etc. are adequate and in working order. Perform a thorough review of your equipment to ensure nothing is outdated or worn down, as these deficiencies can cause injuries.
5) Communication
Communication is key for most challenges in life, but especially for disaster prevention. Before work commences on a project, analyze how the work will impact other personnel and operations. Then, make sure the proper communication channels and procedures are in place between participating parties.
6) Last Step: Double Check
This isn't a before-the-job measure, but it's still preventive. Plan time for a final walk-through to be sure nothing is left behind or unfinished when the work is complete.
When it comes to preventing big disasters, it's the small steps you take before the work that really matters. Take pride in your work, pay attention to detail and make safety a top priority in your organization.
Schedule a free consultation with an Arbill Safety Expert today and begin developing a comprehensive injury prevention program in your workplace.
Have a Safe Day!