A Different Type Of Safety Speech

Posted in Safety Tips

As CEO of Arbill, I am often asked to speak at conferences. Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Rhythm Systems Breakthrough Conference in Charlotte, NC.


Instead of offering my views on the current state of workplace safety, OSHA rule changes or new safety services, I took a different approach. I spoke from the heart about three tools I have used to help grow Arbill into one of the most respected safety companies in the country.

Julie at Rhythm 2


The tools I described were believe, gratitude and love

and how I applied them to help overcome some of the difficult challenges I have faced (and continue to face) as a business owner. My talk was candid, at times self-deprecating, and above all, sincere.


The reaction to my TED Talk-style speech was extremely gratifying. Aside from those in the audience who offered their congratulations, I was delighted to read a quote in Digital Journal, who interviewed conference attendee Rhiannon James of Industrial Exchange.


Rhiannon's take away was exactly the reaction I was hoping for. She said "I thought that Julie Copeland's speech was inspirational. Hearing about Julie's leadership journey at Arbill was an eye opener into the challenges that she has faced with her company and how she has turned those into opportunities. The transformation story was admirable, and it was clear that her tenacity and belief in her mission (to make manufacturing safer) were key components of her success. I really enjoyed listening to her talk."


Now that I have you intrigued about this talk, you will be happy to learn that it was captured on video. Keep following our social media accounts as I will let you know when we post it to our YouTube channel.


And, as always, have a safe day!