Results Found 67 Item(s)
Replacement Particulate Filter
CalGas H2S 10 CO 50 CH4 2.5 O2 18 34GL
MSA Altair® 10071336 Single Gas Detector, Carbon Monoxide Gas, 35 to 400 ppm Detection, Audible/Vibration/Visual Alarm, Rubberized Armor Housing
MSA 804806 Ultra Elite Half & Full Facepiece Screw, NIOSH
BW Technologies by Honeywell XT-XWHM-Y-NA-CS GasAlertMax XT II Multi-Gas Detector, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, LEL, Oxygen Gas, 0 to 30% Oxygen, 0 to 500 ppm Carbon Monoxide, 0 to 100 ppm Hydrogen Sulfide, 0 to 100% LEL Detection
MSA 10049060 Sampling Line Adapter, For Use With Dilution Tube
MSA ALTAIR® 5X 10116928 Multi-Gas Detector Deluxe Kit With MSA XCell® Sensor Technology, Lower Explosive Limit, Dioxygen, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide Gas, 0 to 100%, 0 to 30% Volume, 0 to 2000 ppm, 0 to 10000 ppm, 0 to 200 ppm Detection
MSA ALTAIR® 10076735 Single Gas Detector, Phosphine Gas, 0.3 to 1 ppm Detection, Audible/Vibration/Visual Alarm, CR2 Battery, Rubberized Armor Housing
BW Technologies by Honeywell BWC2-X BW Clip Single Gas Detector, Oxygen, 0 to 25% Volume Range, 95 dB Visual/Vibrating/Audible Alarm, Lithium Battery
MSA ALTAIR® 2X 10154079 Single Gas Detector With XCell® Sensor, Ammonia (25, 50) Gas, 0 to 100 ppm Detection, 95 dB at 1 ft Audible/Ultra-Bright LED Visual/Standard Vibrating Alarm, Lithium Battery, Rugged Rubberized Armor Housing
MSA ALTAIR® 5X 10165446 Multi-Gas Detector Deluxe Kit With MSA XCell® Sensor Technology, Lower Explosive Limit, Dioxygen, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Photoionization Detector Gas, >95 dB Audible/2-Ultra-Bright LEDs Visual/Standard Vibrating Alarm