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SHIELD® Z2-02-16.9-12-OR

SWORD® Performance SHIELD® Zero Ready-to-Drink Electrolyte Hydration Bottles, 16.9 fl oz, Case of 12 Bottles, Orange

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  • Item ID: Z2-02-16.9-12-OR
  • MPN: Z2-02-16.9-12-OR
  • Sold As: 12/CA
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  • Zero sugar and zero artificial sweeteners
  • Clean and simple ingredients making it easy on your stomach/GI track
  • Backed by science
  • Suitable for all environments, drink anytime
  • Light, refreshing fruit flavor
  • 16.9 fl oz
  • Case of 12 bottles
  • pdfSell Sheet https://www.arbill.com//ASSETS/DOCUMENTS/ITEMS/EN/SWORD_SHIELD_Sell Sheet.pdf
Flavor      Orange

SHIELD® Zero is a light-flavored healthy hydration beverage with balanced electrolytes that hydrates better and faster than water. Flavored from real fruit with zero sugar, and zero artificial sweeteners, SHIELD® Zero is a revolutionary healthy approach to hydration with zero compromises. SHIELD® Zero is naturally sweetened from real fruit along with monk fruit, stevia and allulose to bring the natural flavors forward. Unlike many other sweeteners found in diet and ‘zero’ products, Allulose is an all-natural, plant-based sweetener with health benefits, that tastes like sugar with no aftertaste and it won’t upset the stomach. It is Keto, Vegan, and Diabetic friendly with zero net carbs and zero calories.

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